Barry Kearney
I'm Barry Kearney, the convenor of Australian Catholic Evangelists. I'm a lifelong committed Catholic, concerned about the state of our Australian Church. It has been going backwards for 60 years. I have a background in the RAAF, Trade Union Movement, Business, Marketing and the Pro-Life Movement. And our Catholic Church.
- 1980 Vice President of Right to Life Victoria.
- 1982 Committee member of Pro-Life Victoria.
- I spoke many times in state and private secondary schools on abortion and debated the abortion issue at Monash University Union.
- 1983 Co Founder and Director (Voluntary) of Open Doors Counseling & Educational Services Ringwood Victoria 1983-2003. Open Doors offers counseling and support to women and girls worried about being pregnant or suffering grief after pregnancy loss. It also makes educational programs for schools. Currently a patron.
- 2019 -> Volunteer with Prison Fellowship Victoria, visiting prisoners in the maximum security Port Phillip Prison at Truganina, 20kms west of Melbourne.
- 2018 -> Member of "Smilemakers", a group of volunteer photographers in Eastern Palliative Care, providing free photographic sessions for clients and their families.
- 2022 -> Volunteer with Down's Syndrome Victoria, going on excursions with DSV people.
- In 2020 -> I built 11 websites for free for Catholic Parishes in 4 states.
- In my home parish St John the Evangelist Mitcham VIC I'm involved in the RCIA team, leading Scripture discussion groups, and assisting in Children's Liturgy.
- I'm also RCIA Leader at another parish (Holy Family Maidstone) and involved in their pilot program installing the new Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne Database.
- I send regular messages about Parish Resources & Evangelisation & Giving Strategies to over 1300 Catholic Parishes and Catholic Leaders across Australia.