What is one thing that thriving donor programs have in common? They are masterful at designing and executing an exceptional donor experience. In fact, organizations that are good at this often make it look magical which may leave you wondering why it feels so much harder for your nonprofit to do.
The good news is that the key to donor attraction and retention isn’t actually magical. There are specific CAREpoints in any relationship where *what* you do and *how* you do it makes all the difference.
During this session, you will learn:
- The 3 types of value that all donors are looking for (this is relevant for first-time, returning, and recurring donors!)
- The life cycle of a donor relationship (this structure gives you/your team/your board a common language and foundation for donor experience planning)
- What CAREpoints are and why they matter (hint: it’s not *just* about the $$$)
This is a webinar that you’ll be thinking about and referring again-and-again, as you work to strengthen your donor experience. You won’t want to miss it.